test new calculator Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.12345Gender * Male Female LayoutEnter Your Current Weight (lbs)AgeEnter Your Goal Weight (lbs.)NextHeight (in)Height (ft)How Active Are You On A Daily Basis? * Sedentary (little to no exercise) Mostly Sedentary (Office Work + Lifting 3-5 days a week) Active (4-6 hours of exercise/sports every week) Very Active (7-9 hours of exercise/sports every week) Choose your best guess. It doesn’t have to be exact. Remember, this is just an estimate! What Is Your Current Fitness Goal? * Slow Cut (15% Deficit) Fast Cut (25% Deficit) Lean Bulk (10% Surplus) Maintain My Weight 50+ Lbs to lose (Use With Caution) Recomp “Slow Cut” means you’re not in much of a hurry to lose weight. “Max Cut” means you want to lose weight fast at the safest rate possible (no crash dieting here). “Lean Bulk” means you want to build muscle without much fat gain. “Recomposition” means you want to slowly build muscle and burn fat at the same time (this is mostly for beginners who aren’t obese or looking to lose weight. “Maintenance” means you want to maintain your current weight. “If you have 50+ lbs. to lose” means that you need to read the options below this calculator. NextWhat Is Your Current ESTIMATED Body Fat % Based On The Pictures Below *Men (20-24%)Men (25-30%)Men (35-40+%)Women (30-35%)Women (36-40%)Women (50+%)What Is Your Preferred Macronutrient Split (Protein / Carbs / Fat)? *40% P / 40% C / 20% F (My Preference & Recommendation)50% P / 30% C / 20% F30% P / 50% C / 20% F35% P / 35% C / 30% FMost people, including myself, enjoy the “40% P / 40% C / 20% F” macro split. It has a good balance of protein, carbs, and fats. However, choose whatever you prefer. NextHow Experienced Are You With Physical Fitness? Beginner (Never lifted weights or followed a plan) Somewhat Experienced (you lift/exercise but its not really structured) Advanced (I don’t need any help in this department) If you resistance train currently, how often do you do so?1-3 days per week3-4 days per week5+ days per weekResistance training means lifting weights of any kind. Choose the best option that describes you.When you do exercise, how do you feel? I can hold a conversation if I had to I’m breathing hard & working up a sweat I can’t talk to anyone I might pass out Choose the best option that describes you.How Experienced Are You With Tracking Your Food Intake (Calories, macronutrients, etc.)? *Beginner (I have never tracked my food intake – what’s a macronutrient?)Somewhat Experienced (I know about macros, but never had success with tracking)Advanced (I don’t need any help in this department)Are you interested in accountability coaching for your fitness goals? *Not sure but I’d love to get more informationYes! Please Help Me!I’m okay thanksName *Email *NextLayoutMaintenance CaloriesCalories You Should Eat Daily To Maintain Your Current WeightCalories You Should Eat Daily, Based On Fitness GoalCalories Per DayLayoutGrams of Protein Per DayProteinGrams of Carbs Per DayCarbsGrams of Fat Per DayFatSend A Copy Of My Results To My Email